A teenager will raise money for good causes by unicycling, skipping and swimming next week.

Charlotte Warin, 19, will use each of the activities to travel a mile on Tuesday, December 11. She aims to raise sponsorship cash to help her spend three months doing voluntary work in Kenya and also to support the work of the British Heart Foundation.

Charlotte's mother, Elaine Warin, suffered a heart attack in January 2006. Mrs Warin said her experience was the main reason why her daughter wants to use half the cash she raises to support the Heart Foundation.

She said Charlotte, of Sutton-in-Craven and a former pupil of South Craven School, would carry out the swimming part of her challenge at Skipton baths. She needs to finish 64 lengths to complete a mile.

As soon as she has finished the swim she will unicycle for a mile up Carr Head Lane, Sutton, then skip back down again.

Mrs Warin said Charlotte had been unicycling for about three years and has recently completed her Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award.

While in Kenya Charlotte will teach at a school, help dig wells and take part in a project to safeguard elephants from poachers.

Anyone interested in sponsoring her can e-mail elainewarin@hotmail.com.