A crackdown on underage alcohol sales and booze-fuelled crime is to be launched by Bradford Police to ensure Christmas cheer does not cause festive misery.

West Yorkshire Police's Bradford North Division is to work with landlords in Bradford North to clamp down on illegal alcohol sales and drink related crime as part of a new Responsible Alcohol Sales Campaign (RASC).

Superintendent Pete Simmonds, of Bradford North Division, said RASC was intended to make sure everyone had a safer Christmas.

He said: "The sale of alcohol to underage youngsters has been an issue of national concern this year and it is a problem we are determined to tackle here in Bradford.

"We will be working with licensees to make them aware of their responsibilities but we will take action against those that continue to flout the rules."

Police will be carrying out undercover operations in pubs, bars and clubs to monitor under-age sales of alcohol and sale of alcohol to people who are too drunk to be served.

In the last 12 months 632 incidents of violent crime committed in the Bradford North Division were alcohol-related and 80 of the incidents were actually committed on licensed premises.