A christmas fair organised by staff at a Haworth nursing home has raised more than £5,000 for charity.

Manorlands' Christmas fair at West Lane Baptist Church, in Haworth, will donate proceeds from the event to the Oxenhope Sue Ryder Care hospice.

The WI Calendar Girls opened the fair, staged by the hospice's Craven Support Group, which ran a stall. There was also a Santa's grotto.

Organiser Margaret Snell said: "We are pleased with the amount raised but we couldn't have done it without the help of our amazing volunteers, whom I thank. I would also like to thank all the local businesses which kindly donated prizes, especially Barclays Bank which has agreed to match fund up to £750."

A donation of £700 from Cross Hills company British Hardwoods also was handed over. The cash was raised by customers making donations in exchange for firewood. A cheque was presented by sales manager Jonathan Scott in memory of his late sister-in-law, Sharon MacDonald, who died at the hospice.

Anyone interested in joining a local support group or organising a fundraising event is asked to contact Matthew Halliday on (01535) 640441.