Bingley's new £1 million market square is nearing completion and will be complemented by a £30,000 outdoor market which will rival Skipton's historic stalls.

Concrete foundations have been laid in front of Bingley Arts Centre for the square, which will incorporate York stone flags, granite setts and a wall.

Steps will be introduced to provide access to the lower level this month, along with new seating, cycle stands and bins. Lighting columns and street furniture will be painted blue.

The impressive development will be given extra gloss thanks to Bradford Council stumping up the cash to introduce 36 temporary stalls for an outdoor market.

The existing ten stallholders, who currently trade outside Myrtle Walk shopping centre, will move to the square in front of Bingley Arts Centre at about Easter time next year.

A campaign will be launched to entice new stallholders to the site and it is hoped continental and farmers' markets will also be held.

It is envisaged the gazebo-style stalls will be erected on market days and packed away when not in use.

Markets general manager Colin Wolstenholme said: "Why shouldn't Bingley have a market to rival Skipton's? The current market stallholders are not in the best trading area.

"The market will strengthen the retail offering for the people of Bingley and give them pride in the town. The market will provide a focal point in the town."

Work to upgrade the town's Main Street is also well under way, with road narrowing - including kerbs, paving, signals and street lights - being introduced from Ferncliffe Road to Myrtle Place.

Contractors J N Bentley are concentrating on upgrading the existing pedestrian crossing near the junction of Main Street with Ferrand Lane.

A crossing is set to be introduced on Main Street, next to Foundry Hill, and the carriageway at this point will be narrowed and paved with stone flags, to complement the town square.

New street lighting, on-street parking, a 20mph zone, improved pedestrian crossings and a bus stop are set to be completed on the Main Street by the end of the year.

Shopkeeper Kay Adams said the work had been disruptive but it would improve trade in the town. She said: "It is looking good now, we have been regularly updated about what is going on.

"There is still a bit of a mess but hopefully it will get traffic off the road and on to the relief road and will provide parking. People don't like change, it is difficult to adjust but I think it will work. It is done now and we have to accept it."

Bingley town centre manager David Dinsey said: "It is hard to believe that in September the town square was just a large hole in the ground when the basements to the original buildings that once stood there were exposed.

"There is still much to do, such as the installation of the lighting, power access for stallholders and seating, but you can certainly see it taking shape and changing every day.

"When finished the square will have multiple uses and will be available for mixed markets and public events, which will draw people in and increase footfall."

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