PLANS to install a 20 metre tall phone mast in Silsden just yards from a listed building would be "visually unacceptable", according to Bradford Council.

Earlier this year telecommunications company Three applied to install a mast on Hillcrest Avenue, near the town's CoOp.

It was a "prior notification" request - to see if the structure could be built without the need to submit a full planning application.

The company said there was an "acute need" for such a mast in Silsden, and existing masts could not be converted to achieve the required 5G coverage.

But planning officers have refused the request, pointing out that is a short distance from the Silsden Conservation Area and over the road from a Grade II listed building.

Plan for 20 metre phone mast outside listed school is refused

There had been 21 objections to the plans. One said: "Surprised you can allow a 20m mast in a conservation area when there are so many other restrictions associated with the conservation area and adjacent listed properties."

Another said: "This is a completely unsuitable structure for such a residential area with no existing high-rise buildings."

Refusing the request, Bradford Council's planning officers said: "It is considered that the proposed installation is a visually unacceptable form of telecommunication development.

"It would create an intrusive and overbearing feature at a prominent location

within the streetscene.

"By virtue of its prominence and dominant scale, the siting and appearance of the apparatus would also be harmful to the character and appearance of the adjoining Silsden Conservation Area and the setting of the Grade II listed building at 22 Bridge Street."