THE producer of the Alhambra panto is in talks with the theatre on whether this year's show will go ahead.

Sleeping Beauty, starring Billy Pearce, is due to start at the Alhambra on December 12 and run until January 24, 2021.

A statement from Qdos Entertainment said: "We had been very clear that we required clarity from the Government regarding the re-opening of theatres by today, Monday August 3, in order for our pantomime season as we know it to take place.

"Based on the Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport’s reiteration last week that the Government won’t be providing further guidance on theatres operating without social distancing until November at the earliest, we are left with no choice but to begin the consultation process with our partner theatres about the viability of each show. This is a complex process and will take several weeks to complete.

We are not immediately announcing the postponement of all shows, however plans will be announced by individual theatres and communicated to ticket holders in due course."