WEST Yorkshire Association of Trades Union Councils (WYATUC) has called for Black and Minority Ethnic people to have justice and real equality.

Members also expressed solidarity with those campaigning and said they stood with all who are appalled at the killing of George Floyd.

They also say they applaud union members' support and stewarding at demonstrations in the county and their role in trying to keep people there as safe and socially distanced as possible.

WYATUC said it recognises that Black and Minority Ethnic citizens in this country face inequality, discrimination or institutional racism in many ways.

Bob Stoker, chair of WYATUC and joint secretary of Kirklees Stand Up to Racism, said: “WYATUC sends our solidarity to the millions of Americans protesting police brutality and racism across the USA. We welcome the unity seen between black and white people in horror at the murder of George Floyd as well as the increased struggle to defeat the cancer of racism both abroad and in this country. We need black and white people to continue to stand peacefully together for justice until racism is eradicated.”