A MAN caught with 92 wraps of heroin and crack cocaine on a Bradford street has been jailed for 18 months.

Asif Rashid, 38, was stopped by the police when he was driving while disqualified and uninsured in Nuttall Street, central Bradford, at 9.15pm on April 24.

He was sentenced at Bradford Crown Court on a video link to HMP Doncaster after pleading guilty to two charges of possession with intent to supply Class A drugs and the driving matters.

Prosecutor Louise Pryke said Rashid had nine previous convictions for 26 offences including robbery, dangerous driving and driving over the prescribed limit, and possession of cannabis with intent to supply.

When his car was stopped by the police, a woman got out with 92 wraps of heroin and crack cocaine in a leather bag.

There was also £131 in cash in the vehicle, the court was told.

Rashid, of Hyde Park, Halifax, was immediately frank with the officers, the court heard during Monday's hearing.

He told police he was holding the drugs for someone else in return for being given heroin.

His barrister, Frances Pencheon, said he was the custodian of the drugs.

They did not belong to him.

He had bought the car two days earlier after keeping out of trouble for four years.

Since being remanded in custody, Rashid had undergone “cold turkey” to wean himself off Class A drugs.

Although he had taken cannabis previously, he only became involved with heroin for a couple of months before his arrest.

His partner was now expecting their first child.

He had been in a relationship with her for three years and was building a new life for them.

Miss Pencheon said Rashid was working in a takeaway until the Covid-19 lock down and had been offered a job with Morrisons supermarket at the time of his arrest.

He was a primary carer for his poorly mother who was particularly vulnerable during the coronavirus pandemic.

Miss Pencheon urged the court to consider suspending Rashid’s sentence because of the mitigating circumstances and the Covid-19 crisis.

But Judge Jonathan Gibson said the drugs offences were too serious.

It would “send out the wrong message” if Rashid was not sent to prison immediately.

He had been looking after the heroin in the expectation of gain in the form of free drugs.

Judge Gibson set a Proceeds of Crime Application timetable to claw back any assets Rashid had amassed from the drugs offences.