TWO Bradford youngsters have created sample designs for a competition aiming to produce 26,299 mugs representing every day since the NHS was set up.

The Make a Mug, Make a Difference competition, launched by Royal Crown Derby gives children chance to design a mug celebrating the NHS, with profits of the winning mugs going to NHS Charities Together’s COVID-19 Urgent Appeal.

Siblings Kalias Luke Shillito, 11, and Melina Rose Shillito, 14, of Thackley have created the designs for sample mugs, which can be ordered online.

Their uncle, Matthew Harrison, who studied art at Bradford College before going to Glasgow School of Art, is Head of Design at Royal Crown Derby. “Melina and Kal are so proud that their designs are being used to support the NHS,” said their grandmother, Wendy Neville. “Melina’s design is ‘Stronger Together’ and Kal’s is the rainbow, ‘Stay Strong’.

“This competition is providing an interest and focus for children during this time, when they’re not at school, and encouraging creativity.”

The competition has two age categories, under-12s and 12-18. Entries will be shortlisted by Crown Derby’s design team and the two winners will be selected by artist and children’s author Liz Million. The winners will be invited to Derby to meet the design team and see how the mugs are made at the factory. They will be presented with the first mug off the production line and will also visit the V&A in London, where their mugs will be exhibited.

The winning mugs will be made by Royal Crown Derby artisans, who aim to produce 26,299 mugs - representing and celebrating every day since the formation of the NHS on July 5 1948 to its 72nd anniversary in 2020.

All the profits from mugs sold will go to NHS Charities Together COVID-19 Urgent Appeal. Each purchase includes a free ticket to tour the factory and museum.

Managing director Christopher Oakes said: “Everyone at Royal Crown Derby had a strong ambition to support the NHS, especially as many of our team have frontline workers in their family. We chose this campaign as it allows us to support the NHS by offering 100per cent of our profits and help British families who are also facing unprecedented challenges.

“We hope our entry packs will give children a much-needed challenge, boost creativity, and encourage them to learn about how precious the NHS is.

“Royal Crown Derby is the oldest surviving British pottery maker and we have a long history of creating high quality commemorative pieces dating right back to the coronation of King George III in 1761.”

He added: “We’ve added the option to include a personalised message card as we hope many mugs will be given as gifts to loved ones or as a thank you to the frontline heroes, who are protecting and serving us all.”

Museum director Elizabeth Woledge said: “Our entry packs encourage young people to explore the process of design and explore their creative abilities. Royal Crown Derby’s history includes the work of some extremely talented artists and designers, some of whom were working as apprentices as young as 13.”

The competitions closes on Thursday, May 7 at 4pm. Visit