ASTRONAUT Tim Peake has launched an out of this world free home-teaching and learning support from STEM Learning.

Suitable for all ages from four to 19, STEM Learning has carefully selected more than 300 activities and materials available from our bank of over 14,000 free resources to support parents and carers with home learning, with a particular focus on STEM subjects: science, technology, engineering and maths.

Mr Peake, who visited Bradford in September 2017 to unveil his Soyuz spacecraft which attracted 110,000 visits to the National Science and Media Museum, also features in a new video where he answers school children’s questions about how to become an astronaut.

He reveals whether astronauts worry about loo roll running out, discusses pre-launch quarantine and COVID-19 on the International Space Station, and even predicts that one day children will be going into space.

This content joins a number of astronomical-themed activities for budding space travellers, including ‘Mission X’ which encourages students to train like an astronaut and a Moon Camp Challenge to design a moon camp, with space providing an engaging and exciting way for children to learn about science and mathematics.

Other fun, hands-on STEM activities that can easily be carried out at home include how to bounce an egg using nothing but vinegar, using jelly to learn about how things dissolve and identifying solids and liquids, building helicopter spinners, and learning about the spectrum of light while making ‘Thank You NHS’ rainbows.

Other available advice for parents includes how to maintain your child’s wellbeing as a result of Coronavirus and a survival guide for parents who are home learning for the first time.

For extra support, STEM’s subject experts are available weekdays from 8.30am to 4.30pm via a webchat, accessible on all of STEM’s webpages.

STEM Learning is the UK’s the largest provider of education support in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).

STEM Learning is a non-profit, working with schools, colleges and others working with young people, including providing resources for both parents and teachers.

Mr Peake said: “I was fortunate enough to become an astronaut, but even if I hadn’t there are so many interesting and exciting careers in space and aviation that are all made possible by STEM subjects.

“The most important thing, regardless of what field you’d like to work in, is to follow what you’re passionate about; work hard at it, be determined and, while there will be ups-and-downs along the way, you will always see it through.”

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