Ursula Sutcliffe had to shut her shop, Plant One On Me, in Sunbridgewells, three weeks ago as lockdown began – but she’s not giving up on houseplants:

WEEK three. I’m coping and I hope you are too. If you or a member of your family are sick, my love goes out to you.

I’ve decided to only watch or read the news once a day now, I just couldn’t cope with the news cycle any more. I’ve also started working in some small way.

Two weeks ago customers new and old started reaching out and asking If I was still selling plants and I really wanted to but I didn’t know if I was allowed or if it was safe. After doing some research and making some calls I found out I could still deliver what I had left, so on Monday, March 30, we started the knock-and-drop service around Bradford and Leeds and it’s been a brilliant way for me to feel a sense of normality again.

Selling houseplants from home has brought its own set of challenges and I won’t lie, my husband and I had a few small spats in the car trying to navigate an efficient delivery system. Hats off to you delivery drivers, it’s more stressful than it looks. But it was lovely just to be able to wave at customers and give them a thumbs-up.

Remember, houseplants don’t only look nice, they bring their own benefits to a home. Are you self-isolating? Put plants in the living-room or bedroom to help with air purification.

If you are feeling congested, a humidifier to accompany them would be an advantage.

I love eucalyptus and always have bunches of it around my home, but did you know you can tie a bunch around your shower-head and let the steam release the oils from the foliage, again great if you are feeling congested.

Do you live in a flat? This comes with its own set of challenges. Limited outdoor space can make isolation feel even worse. Houseplants are good way to create an indoor garden and tending to them has been proven to reduce stress.

Some years ago, NASA conducted a series of experiments to see which plants would help with purifying the air in space stations. The experiment resulted in 10 house plants that were not only beautiful but the best at air purifying.

Great air-purifying plants are:

• spider plants

• aloe vera

• orchids

• devil’s ivy

• English ivy

• peace lily

• palms

• Boston ferns

• mother-in-law’s tongue.

The air won’t feel as dry and you will find your home a more relaxing environment.

Also If you have kids at home get them to start watering, propagating and re-potting with you – now more than ever a little bit of nature appreciation is on the agenda.

Lastly, stay strong and keep healthy both mentally and physically. Our city needs you all back out there when this is all over.

Until next time, planters.

Instagram/Facebook: plantoneonmeyorkshire

Twitter: @plantoneonmebfd