BRADFORD Council has said it wants to do "everything" it can to help businesses through the coronavirus outbreak. 

On Monday, Prime Minister Boris Johnson said everybody in the UK should avoid pubs, clubs and theatres, stop all non-essential contact and travel, and work from home if they can.

The Prime Minister set out the need for “drastic action” to tackle the “fast growth” of coronavirus across the UK as increased social distancing measures were introduced for the population.

As part of the measures, anyone living in a household with somebody who has either a persistent cough or fever must now also isolate themselves for 14 days.

All people should avoid gatherings and crowded places, while people who are vulnerable – including those who are elderly – will need to undertake even more drastic measures.

A Bradford Council spokesperson, said: "We understand this is a very worrying time for many businesses and want to do everything we can to support them through this unprecedented crisis.

"We are currently assessing the potential impacts on district firms and we are identifying a range of potential responses.

"Once we have determined the kinds of support we can offer, we will communicate this to local companies and broader community."

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