BRADFORD Council of Mosques has said that Friday prayers are happening today as normal despite the coronavirus outbreak.

A spokesman said: "Friday prayers are going ahead a normal.

"Boris Johnson did not say anything yesterday so we are following Government guidelines."

Ash Shalom, of the Shahjamal Jami Masjid mosque in Keighley, tweeted: "Unprecedented as it may be we are advising people NOT to attend Friday prayers specifically the elderly and anyone even mildly unwell - no hugs no handshakes."

But the Bradford Council of Mosques spokesman said that was not the advice of the Council of Mosques.

Ash Shalom tweeted a notice from the mosque saying: "Given the escalating situation Shahjamal Jami Masjid (Keighley) is taking reasonable precautions to prevent the spread of coronavirus."

It asks that:

  • if you are unwell with a cough or a fever please stay at home
  • on entering Masjid wash your hands in hot water and soap for 20 seconds
  • cover your mouth with tissue or sleeve (not hands) if you cough or sneeze
  • do not shake hands or hug, instead greet with Salam.