A COMMERCIAL unit on the edge of Bradford was home to one of the most brutal and shocking murders the city has seen in recent times.

Those of us who watched the film clips of Mohammed Feazan Ayaz being beaten, taunted and urinated on as he lay naked, helpless and dying in the Denholme Business Centre will find the images hard to forget.

Mr Ayaz, 20, known as Fizzy, was terribly injured and begging his tormentors to let him die as he was slapped, kicked and beaten while mumbling: “Sorry, sorry.”

The bloodbath looked like something out of a horror film.

Yet the night should have ended so differently.

Just a few hours earlier, a smiling Fizzy was seen on CCTV arriving at Unit 2 at the business centre with bottled water, cannabis and cigarettes for his friend Raheel Khan.

Khan, known as Rally, was on the run from the police and using the unit as a safe house and a headquarters for his drug dealing business. It was a scruffy and soulless place, hidden from prying eyes by an old sheet strung across the window, and sparsely furnished with a sofa, a divan bed and a glass shelf unit.

But Fizzy was happy to chat and chill there with Rally and his mates. He had been drinking and he brought along a bottle of Jack Daniel’s whisky.

Flashback: Body found in Saffron Drive, Allerton

Fizzy was a jolly joker; a good-hearted young man described by his mother as like a big baby at home. But now he was drunk and getting loud and loose-tongued. And he was playing with fire when he provoked members of Rally’s drug dealing team who had met up that Sunday night to smoke cannabis, watch Netflix and eat a lamb chop takeaway.

They at first tolerated Fizzy, also cruelly known as Fatty, because he was Rally’s friend. The two were close, having lived and socialised together. Film footage of them on a trip to Ingleton Falls the previous day showed a group of mates on a cheerful and relaxed outing.

Raheel Khan told the jury that Fizzy had been the victim of bullying. In recent weeks, he was drinking too much, taking cocaine and cutting himself.

“I felt sorry for him. I reached out to him,” he said.

Fizzy owed money and he was teaching him how to make more cash from selling drugs. There was a photo of the two of them in the toilets at the unit washing cocaine to turn it into “crack.”

But a Smart phone Khan said he gave to Fizzy to cheer him up when he was crying was the catalyst for his murder. It contained film clips of Khan having consensual sex and, that night when he was drunk, Fizzy threatened to publish them on social media.

He was angry and bleeding from the head after provoking Akaash Rafiq, Rally’s partner in the drugs business. Rafiq, known as AK, lost his cool and knocked him out with a single punch after Fizzy called him a pussy and ran at him with a bottle.

Khan came to Fizzy’s aid, splashing water on him to bring him round and admonishing Rafiq for hitting him.

But when Fizzy revived, he continued to shout, be argumentative and get on peoples’ nerves.

“We were trying to laugh it off because we knew he was drunk,” Suleman Khan said.

Raheel Khan described the 15 stone Fizzy flapping his hands about, swearing and throwing his weight around.

They called him a taxi to get rid of him and Fizzy was seen on CCTV leaving at 10.15pm. He was unsteady on his feet and bumping into the walls as he staggered out to the car park.

But tragically he made the fateful and fatal decision to return to the building after swearing at everyone in Unit 2 through the window.

Almost immediately, Suleman Khan punched him at least five times in the corridor and he was dragged back into Unit 2.

Fizzy was by now threatening to call the police. This would be a disaster for Raheel Khan who stored his drugs at the unit and was wanted for an incident in Lancashire allegedly involving a shotgun.

The final straw came when Fizzy said he would publicise the phone sex tapes on social media, shouting: “Watch what I’m going to do with those videos!”

Khan lost his temper. He knocked Fizzy to the ground, stripped him naked and put him in a choke hold until he passed out.

Flashback: Mohammed Feazan Ayaz funeral takes place at Bilal Masjid

Khan said in Punjabi: “I’m going to humiliate (or disgrace) you.”

“I wanted to make a video of me kicking him in the balls,” he told the jury.

But if that was the plan, it soon went dreadfully wrong as the violence spiralled out of control.

Suleman Khan shouted: “Lick the bastard, lick the bastard, let him die!” in a fake Irish accent as Fizzy was repeatedly struck and his head crashed back against the blood-smeared wall.

Raheel Khan demanded that he say sorry, pushing his face down in his own urine with his foot.

Wainwright urinated on Fizzy’s face to add to his humiliation.

At some stage, Suleman Khan hit Fizzy over the head with a bottle and inserted it into his anus.

The attack on a naked and defenceless man was graphically captured on harrowing film clips taken by Raheel Khan and Suleman Khan. They and Wainwright were later to say they thought the unconscious, blood-spattered Fizzy was sleeping it off. Instead, he was dying from a catastrophic bleed into the brain.

The three said he was making snoring sounds when they dragged him out of the unit wrapped in a white curtain and drove him to Saffron Drive, where he was thrown naked into the road to complete his humiliation.

But as the men disposed of his body and called for help to wipe up the blood and urine, it was all being caught on CCTV.

Raheel Khan asked Stephen Queeney, who was working late at nearby Bronte Tyres, to delete the footage, sending him a frantic text saying ‘Cameras!!!’

But Khan’s desperate bid to wipe the incriminating film failed and, ironically, Queeney and Rafiq were filmed bringing in mops and buckets to hide the evidence.

The discovery of Fizzy’s bloodied, naked and cold body in Saffron Drive sparked a major murder hunt.

A forensics team was soon minutely examining Unit 2, finding blood on the floor, the walls, the ceiling and furnishings, and impact spatter at head height on the wall in the corridor.

The post mortem examination showed that Fizzy had 70 separate sites of injury. He had been punched, slapped, kicked and stamped on. He had lacerations to his ear, chest and buttock caused by a blade or a broken bottle.

The video clips of him being tortured and beaten were recovered by the police from Raheel Khan’s phone.

Armed with the damning CCTV evidence of the comings and goings at the business centre that night, and the film clips of Fizzy being brutally murdered, the detectives leading the investigation began making arrests.

Meanwhile, Fizzy’s heartbroken mum, Fayeeda Hussain, shared the grief of losing her eldest son in an interview with the Telegraph & Argus.

She said his death had sucked the life out of the family home, in Duckworth Grove, Manningham, Bradford.

Fizzy, a former pupil at Lilycroft Primary School and Belle Vue Boys School in Bradford, was very caring and her best friend.

“I could share anything with him, and he would come home and tell me everything,” Mrs Hussain said.

“He cared for everyone. We had our ups and downs, but it never lasted for more than two minutes.

“He would go out and come back and we would be messing about, he would start kissing and hugging me and winding me up, he was like a big baby at home. He couldn’t do anything without me.

“He was a joker, jolly, always laughing and messing about. He was a person with a good heart and would do literally anything for anyone.”

Fizzy’s funeral at the Bilal Masjid in Drummond Road, Bradford, was attended by more than a thousand mourners.

Fayeeda Hussain said: “It was heart-warming to see so many people there. I was surprised and shocked by how many people turned out for Feazan.”

The young man whose naked body was dumped so cruelly and unceremoniously in the street had now got the send-off he deserved.