Plans to build 14 homes off a “single track” Calderdale road can go-ahead, but only once a legal agreement has been reached to help protect pedestrian and highway safety.

Calderdale Council’s Planning Committee passed Tony Hunter’s outline plans to build the homes at Spring Lodge Stone Services, St Giles Road, Lightcliffe, subject to some conditions and the agreement.

Permission is also subject to the plans being referred to the Secretary of State for clearance.

Councillors heard the proposed access would be off St Giles Road, which is concerning objectors to the scheme.

Coun Stephen Baines (Con, Northowram and Shelf) said the road was already used by some drivers to get round queues of traffic at Hipperholme crossroads’ traffic lights and the plans were for one of the road’s narrowest points.

And Coun Howard Blagbrough (Con, Brighouse) urged officers to widen the road if the plans were allowed.

Highways officers acknowledged there were issues but concerns could be addressed when the detailed proposals came back before Cabinet – the current application was only for “outline” permission.

Officers were also concerned that widening the road would have the effect of bringing more traffic along the road.

Planning officers recommended the application be approved, with the provisos.

A Section 106 agreement – meaning the developer pays some money for the council to undertake work it deems necessary in conjunction with the proposals – relating to improvements for pedestrians was in place from a previously agreed application, councillors heard.

Objector Andrew Robinson told the committee he realised some matters were reserved for full examination later but was particularly concerned about the access point, which could affect the available parking for nearby homes, and that provision was made to widen the road and extend footpaths.

“I can’t stress enough how important this is.

“St Giles Road is a single track road so we want it to be wider,” he said.

Coun Paul Bellenger (Lib Dem, Greetland and Stainland) said the site lent itself to development.

“Taking all things into consideration and coming back to the access, I can really see concerns about the access.

“Considering we can revisit that and have some input into where it will be, I am mindful to go with officers’ recommendations,” he said.

Coun Baines said he accepted councillors could look at the detail when full plans were submitted and wanted assurance it would come back before committee.

Planning lead Richard Seaman said the application could be “flagged” to ensure issues councillors wanted to address at the detailed stage were raised.

Caption guidance – image from the planning documents