STYLES and fashions are constantly changing – some are beautiful, others I’d rather forget (like the shell suit and perm I thought I was rocking in the 90s.)

But no matter what new trend is thrown our way, one thing we can never get enough of is the nods to the past.

Most of us now know that houseplants are back in a big way and we know they have more benefits than just looking pretty on a desk. We use our house plants as a form of therapy, whether that’s purifying the air in our homes or playing a part of easing anxiety, people love what a home full of plants brings to their lives.

As much as houseplants love a good home, plants can be used anywhere. Over the last few months I have provided plants for bars and cafes around the city centre and now a wedding.

What I love about using plants instead of flowers is the lack of waste. Can you imagine the amount of flowers that get thrown away every year?

Plants bring life to any venue, there’s something natural and comforting to them and the bonus is that you get to take them home or gift them to your guests afterwards.

We live in a much more eco-conscious society these days and our need to create as little waste as possible is important to many of us, so considering using plants and dried flowers for weddings is a great alternative to flowers that are all going to go in the bin after a week.

You can use small succulents for table decorations. one for each guest so they can take them home.

Plants such as Boston ferns and trailing philodendrons look beautiful hanging from ceilings or used for aisles. You can fill small spaces and staircases with prayer plants and sansevierias.

Parlour palms would suit entryways and you can even take cuttings of some plants to add to the bouquets.

A new trend also growing is using dried flowers and plants for bouquets and

boutineers (buttonholes).

Pampas grass, wheat, lavender and succulents are all being used as a way to create really unique bouquet and one that will last for many years.

For me, I’ve always been more into the vintage look. I love my old vinyl record player, leather suitcases and mid-century furniture and I’m always on the look out for old mirrors, chairs and suitcases.

Now with houseplants and dried botanics in the forefront of people’s imaginations for their

weddings, I can now fulfil my other dream – which is to style vintage-inspired themes for others.

Until next time, planters.

Plant One On Me is at 11 Upper Millergate, Bradford BD1 1SX, part of the Sunbridge Wells complex.

Instagram/Facebook: plantoneonmeyorkshire

Twitter: @plantoneonmebfd