Family statement from Terry Keane, father of Joseph Keane

"The impact of losing Joe on the day of his 28th birthday, 13th July 2018, has had a devastating effect on our family but it is of great relief that Adam Kershaw has today received the near maximum sentence permissible for causing death by dangerous driving.

"Whilst we have been kept fully informed of developments throughout the investigation we were shocked today to hear the magnitude of the appalling driving that took place over a distance of at least 28 miles.

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"We simply cannot comprehend how someone could drive in such a reckless and selfish manner. There were a number of near misses that day including a coach carrying many children before the tragic collision that caused the death of our son Joseph.

"Kershaw was driving at nearly three times the permitted level of alcohol and had ingested a quantity of the class A drug Ketamine the previous day.

"The particular circumstances of this case call into question the adequacy of the courts sentencing power. I am aware of a body of opinion that believes a term of life imprisonment should become the maximum sentence for causing death by dangerous driving and this should be considered by parliament.

"We miss Joe every day and will continue to miss him every day for the rest of our lives. He was dearly loved by his family and friends and our hearts are broken.

"In closing I would like to thank everybody involved on the day of the accident who tried in vain to save Joe’s life and also those who alerted the emergency services. I would also like to thank North Yorkshire Police for their support throughout this painful process which continues."