THE festive season clearly didn’t go to plan for the 23 people held in the cells at Bradford and Keighley Magistrates Court this morning.

One man had allegedly hit his wife and her two brothers with a plank of wood on Christmas Day while another was accused of pushing a glass into his partner’s face and punching her on the jaw after downing alcohol and smoking crack cocaine.

Of the procession of defendants brought up from the cells to the Custody Remand Court, some were sentenced, others bailed and one was sent to Bradford Crown Court for trial.

Two men who will spend the New Year behind bars were a persistent shoplifter who punched a security guard in the face and a man caught riding a quad bike on a road four months after he was banned from driving.

Allen Williams, 40, of West Bank Close, Keighley, was jailed for four months after he tried to steal three expensive bottles of whisky from Sainsbury’s in Cavendish Street in the town.

Prosecutor Vanessa Jones said Williams was in breach of two conditional discharges and was convicted in his absence after failing to attend for his trial.

He was arrested on a warrant on Saturday and spent the rest of the weekend behind bars.

Williams was sentenced for attempted theft, assaulting security guard Foysal Miah by beating him and failing to surrender.

Miss Jones said that Mr Miah saw Williams putting bottles of alcohol into a carrier bag on August 23.

When approached, he hid three bottles of whisky, with a total value of £117, in the vegetable section. He was banned from the store and had put foil round the price labels, the court was told.

When challenged, he struck Mr Miah in the face, cutting his lip and injuring his gums. Mr Miah had to have his teeth X-rayed and he was now worried about being attacked again.

Williams, a drug addict, tested positive for cocaine and opiates after he was arrested.

Solicitor advocate, Keith Blackwell, said in mitigation that Williams had kept out of trouble for years after managing to kick his drugs habit.

He had then been in trouble for shoplifting to fund his addiction but never for more serious offending.

“This is not a man who is going in for high level crime,” Mr Blackwell said, urging a community penalty.

But the Bench, chaired by Carl Davids, disagreed, jailing Williams for a total of 16 weeks.

The second man to be imprisoned was Jarvis Horsman, 22, of Harrogate Road, Bradford.

He was locked up for ten weeks and banned from driving for 20 months and until he takes an extended retest.

Horsman admitted driving a Yamaha quad bike on Rowantree Drive, Bradford, on July 29 while disqualified and uninsured.

He was arrested on a warrant on Sunday after failing to attend court.

Miss Jones said that he was jailed for 12 months and banned from driving for 18 months at Bradford Crown Court on March 22 for aggravated vehicle taking.

He was seen by the police driving the quad bike on the Thorpe Edge Estate and then pushing it into a garden.

Mr Blackwell said Horsman had only just got on the bike when the police spotted him.

He was doing well on post sentence supervision and would benefit from more support from the probation service.