PEOPLE are being encouraged to enjoy their local canal this winter.

The Canal & River Trust charity, which cares for nearly 320 miles of canals and rivers in Yorkshire and the North East says that waterways in Yorkshire offer the perfect antidote to the stresses and strains of a busy Christmas schedule and what can be particularly tough time of year for many suffering from Seasonal Disorder Syndrome.

Research shows that spending time by water helps people feel more relaxed, happier and healthier - making a trip to a local canal or river an ideal soothing escape enabling local people to get out of the house and recharge their batteries over the festive season.

The Canal & River Trust’s top tips and ideas for winter wellbeing by the water:

1. Go for a walk. Half the population of England and Wales live within five miles of a canal or river making them easily accessible, for free, to millions of people. Full of wildlife and historical features even a ten-minute waterside walk can give that feeling of escape.

2. Keep your eyes open. The charity has over 1,000 wildlife conservation sites and 63 Sites of Special Scientific Interest along its network (, so you never know what you might spot whilst you’re on the towpath. Look out for water voles, otters, kingfishers, and of course the festive robin. Download your nature spotters guide from (search “waterway wildlife”).

3. Spread some festive joy. Say hello to people you pass on the towpath and everyone will feel that little bit better. If meeting new friends or making a difference in your local community is one of your New Year’s resolutions then why not volunteer to help care for your local canal – visit to find out more.

4. Learn as you go. Canals are an important piece of the country’s industrial heritage and hold many reminders of days gone by.

Sean McGinley, director, Yorkshire & North East at Canal & River Trust, said: “Christmas is such a special time of year, but the festive period can also be intense and somewhat overwhelming for many people. All that pre-Christmas stress, rushing around shopping and visiting relatives, can really take it out of us mentally and physically but thankfully there’s a simple antidote right on the doorsteps of millions of people – their local canal or river.

“Simply getting out and spending time by the water is a great first step in improving your wellbeing and, if you add in all the associated benefits – such as connecting with nature, spending time with loved ones, and getting a break from TV and mobile screens – a stroll along the towpath is the perfect Christmas escape and great way to start the New Year.”