PEOPLE are being urged to stay clear of overhead power lines and substations if they plan to set off fireworks to bring in the New Year.

Northern Powergrid, which is responsible for the electricity network in Yorkshire, the North East and northern Lincolnshire, is encouraging local people to take a few extra minutes to double check their surroundings.

It wants people to be aware of the potential dangers which could spoil their New Year’s Eve celebrations or result in serious or fatal injuries if they light fireworks anywhere near their local electricity network.

Geoff Earl, from Northern Powergrid, said: “We always recommend attending a professionally organised display wherever possible, however, we are aware that some people may be thinking about setting off their own fireworks to bring in the New Year.

“Before starting a display, we want them to take a few minutes to have a thorough look around. It’s vital that they find a safe place, well away from our overhead power lines or substations, and that they fully understand that interfering with the electricity network can be dangerous. “By taking these extra, simple precautions they can ensure they have a fantastic evening and a safe start to 2020.”