FESTIVE fundraising led by pupils has seen two charities benefit this winter.

Students from Tong Leadership Academy organised a collection and event to raise money for Buttercup Children's Trust and Save the Children.

The former provides vital medical and sensory equipment, travel costs and respite care to help seriously ill children and their families, in Bradford.

The pupils organised a collection of toys, books, hats and gloves, packed them into hampers and then hand-delivered these to the charity, which is based in Dudley Hill.

A Christmas jumper day also raised funds for Buttercup Children's Trust, as well as Save the Children.

The charitable work forms part of the school's annual Festive Winter Gift Programme.

Dan Styles, Principal at Tong Leadership Academy, said he was proud of the way pupils at the school had worked together to make a difference.

He added: "Our pupils, families and staff have worked exceptionally hard on our charitable giving programme and we are so pleased with the outcome.

"As a school we think it is vital that our pupils play a part in helping to support some of the more vulnerable members of our local community.

"Our charitable giving programmes help us to teach our pupils the value of giving while helping some very worthwhile causes."