AN office manager at a Bradford primary school has been recognised for her 30 years of service.

Pupils at St Francis Catholic Primary School presented gifts and performed songs to the office manager, Sheila Laptew, at a surprise celebration.

Head of School Andrea Haines described Sheila as the “glue that holds St Francis together” and said she hoped she would stay on for many more years yet.

She added: “Over the last 30 years Sheila has given nothing but dedication and commitment to the children and families in this community and she deserves to be celebrated.

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“She knows everything and everybody and has seen generations come through the school.”

Sheila said: “I have loved every moment of my 30 years at St Francis. It has been a pleasure to see children become parents and become grandparents. There has not been one day where I have woken up and not wanted to come to work."

Councillor Imran Khan, Portfolio Holder for education, employment and skills at Bradford Council, said: “I congratulate Sheila on reaching this impressive milestone and thank her for serving the school community for three decades.

“She is a great example of the often unsung heroes in schools across the district who play a vital role in all aspects of school life, supporting pupils, parents and teachers.”