A COMMITTEE has been told of the difficulties of stopping car sales businesses from storing their vehicles on residential streets.

Bradford Council's Bradford West Area Committee discussed a petition by residents of Bonn Road, near BRI, calling for residents parking permits. It said there was often little parking available on the street, with one issue being local car dealers parking on the street.

Highways Principal Engineer Andrew Smith said if cars were taxed and insured, then there was little the Council could to force these businesses to move them.

Bradford Council starts new consultation over controversial parking scheme

Councillor Arshad Hussain (Lab, Toller) said: "The problem is these traders. If we managed to sort that, half of the problem would go away."

The committee said the street was not suitable for residents parking permits, with an officer report saying: "It would not be usual practice to introduce permit parking on a single street in an area like this as this would merely transfer any problem parking from one street to another."

Members agreed to ask officers to look at possible enforcement actions that could be taken, and to increase patrols to tackle any dangerous or illegal parking on the street.