ADOPTING a pothole riddled road would cost the taxpayer £100,000 - a committee has been told.

Bradford Council’s Bradford West Area Committee discussed a petition by residents of Vine Terrace East, Fairweather Green, at a meeting on Monday evening.

Residents had said the unadopted street suffers from poor lighting, potholes and litter, and is used as a rat run.

They called for the Council to either adopt the street, meaning responsibility for its upkeep would move from residents to the Council, or install bollards in the middle of the street.

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Andrew Smith, Principal Engineer, said adopting the street would cost an estimated £100,000. It would be unlikely that the Council would take on the road, he said. It could be added to a list of future road safety projects that could take place when funding is available.

Members decided to arrange a meeting between residents and Council staff to discuss a way to tackle the street’s issues.

Councillor Arshad Hussain (Lab, Toller) said: “There is no doubt there are safety issues on this road. Once a meeting is set up residents will be able to put their concerns forward.”