POLICE have highlighted a false alarm that emphasises the need to look out for neighbours over Christmas.

North Yorkshire Police said they received a call from a concerned member of the public who’d spotted a ‘Help’ note in a window of someone’s home.

Police tweeted: "We quickly sent an officer to the address to check on the occupants’ welfare.

"When they arrived, they were pleased to hear from neighbours that the occupants were safe and well. It transpired that the note referred to a certain elf which was not in fact on a shelf, but had been stuck to the window and fallen off…

"This story thankfully has a happy, humorous ending and we’re so grateful to this caller for doing the right thing and ringing the police to report their concerns.

"Sadly not all calls like this have such a positive outcome so please everyone keep an eye out for your neighbours, friends and family this Christmas.

"No one should feel alone and a friendly ‘hello’ or bit of small talk can make all the difference."