OVER £6 million will be invested in improving playgrounds throughout the district, it has been announced.

Proposals for a new £6.4m capital investment programme into improving playgrounds and outdoor fitness facilities will go to Bradford Council’s Executive on January 7.

The first playground to benefit is the play area in Bradford's award winning Lister Park in Manningham.

The investment is part of a £20m strategy to develop sports pitches and playable spaces in a bid to improve the health of the district. It has been well documented that Bradford has worryingly high levels of childhood obesity.

The Lister Park play area will undergo a £650,000 refit of its playground facilities.

Although the inner city park is one of the most popular play destinations in the district, the Council says its current equipment is reaching the end of its lifespan.

The work follows consultation with children, park users and local community groups last summer and will look to improve the mix of play activities available to a broad range of ages and abilities.

Call for better funding for district's play areas, as each one has just £128 set aside for maintenance

A Council spokesman said: "The new play area will not only include traditional play equipment but will offer opportunities to encourage more innovative, dynamic and active play with natural play elements."

Investment in other areas will follow the creation of a Playable Spaces Strategy, which is due to be completed by the end of 2020, and will include consultation with Councillors, families who use the spaces and local community groups.

The strategy aims to ensure there is a better mix of play spaces across the district so that there is provision close to the homes where younger children live. It will also provide neighbourhood play facilities for older children and "destination play" facilities.

Councillor Sarah Ferriby, portfolio holder for healthy people and places, said: “We really need to invest in our children to ensure they have the play spaces they deserve in order to grow and develop. We need to make sure we have the play spaces families need for the twenty first century, including great destination parks for all and exciting local facilities for communities throughout the district.This means looking how communities can use smaller patches of land in innovative ways to encourage play.

“Play is not only important in tackling issues around obesity and ensuring children have a happy and healthy childhood. It is also an important part of their development in terms of dexterity, balance and muscle control as well as building relationships with other people.”

The £6.4m is made up of the remaining £5m from the sports pitches and playable spaces programme along with £1.329m "Section 106" money, provided by developers of local housing schemes, and £67,000 of Community Investment Levy monies, also provided by developers, allocated by the Executive this summer.

Bradford Council currently manages and maintains 299 play facilities across 165 sites through its Parks and Green spaces Service.

This is made up of 150 traditional fixed play spaces as well as multi-use games areas, wheeled sports, ball sports and outdoor fitness facilities.