A HOUSE management company has made its third senior appointment in a matter of months.

Manningham Housing Association (MHA) announced that Shendi Keshet will take up the role as Director of Finance and Resources in the New Year.

It comes after the firm also appointed Nas Hussain as Community Partnerships and Investment Manager, and Matthew Hayes as IT Manager, in the last few months.

MHA is a "BME" housing association and manages more than 1,400 homes for over 6,000 residents in Bradford and Keighley.

More than 80 per cent of those residents are of South Asian origin.

Ms Keshet, who is originally from Canada, joins after a number of years working in similar roles at other companies.

She said: "I know West Yorkshire well, having lived in Halifax for many years, and followed MHA’s journey closely.

"There has never been a better time to join its leadership team which is held in the highest regard in Bradford, Keighley and far beyond.

"I have particularly enjoyed working for BME housing associations throughout my career and MHA is one of the best in the country.

"It is a well-grounded and financially stable organisation with a bright future.

"I am thrilled to be part of what comes next."

Lee Bloomfield, MHA Chief Executive, spoke of his pleasure at having Ms Keshet onboard.

He said: "It was a rigorous recruitment process and Shendi's qualities shone through.

"Shendi ticks every box and is a first-class hire for MHA."

The chair of the company, Barrington Billings, echoed that sentiment.

He said that Ms Keshet was the outstanding candidate in the rigorous recruitment process.