A TIRELESS mother-of-two has taken a defiant stance after an unexpected County Court judgement left the future of her only form of income in the balance.

Angi Haist, 43, of Farsley has a debt of more than £6,500 in university rent arrears - related to her son's brief spell in accommodation - owed to South Street Asset Management Limited, as a result of the judgement in June 2019.

This has left her small, indepedent business - Alternatively Vegan, in Pudsey - in jeopardy.

It comes after four years of struggle for the family.

The single mother sent off her son Jack Winstanley, who is now 23, to the University of Huddersfield in 2015.

But, after two weeks, she pulled him out as he began to feel isolated and started self-harming.

"At that time, you think your child is going to uni and it's wonderful and you sign a contract and don't think in the future you're going to be above and beyond yourself.

"Lots of people don't have the support we've had and are in worse positions and just lie down.

"We've got to make a stance for others."

The situation deteriorated to the point where Mr Winstanley tried to commit suicide in March 2017.

He survived, but Miss Haist describes an emotional time in hospital when her son was in a coma and nothing was certain.

She said: "They weren't sure if he was going to walk or talk again.

"We brought in the organ donors.

"He was lifeless for two weeks."

Mr Winstanley now suffers with a hypoxic brain injury and struggles with mobility, speech and memory.

Miss Haist left her job of 14 years at Leeds City Council to help care for Mr Winstanley and her other son - who is 11-years-old.

Alternatively Vegan opened in January 2019 and provided the family with a lifeline and hope for the future.

It was a way for Miss Haist to provide an income and for Mr Winstanley to have independence.

Miss Haist said: "It's hard, physically, mentally and emotionally.

"I'm a single parent, running a business, running a home, caring for my children.

"Jack volunteers at the front and is talking to customers coming in.

"Everybody loves Jack, obviously there's lots he can't do - he can't carry things - but everybody loves his character.

"It's given him a confidence boost, being out there speaking to people."

The mother explained her family's circumstances to South Street Asset Management Limited - the property and asset managers of the accommodation Mr Winstanley stayed in.

Company Director Adnan Shaikh said the firm sympathises with the situation.

As a result South Street Asset Management made the decision not to send bailiffs round to Miss Haist's property.

Mr Shaikh said: "We have instructed our solicitors not to enforce the court judgement for rent arrears due to the special circumstances of the family .

"We are not able to remove this judgment until the debt is cleared and fully sympathise and understand this may cause some operational issues for her business and personal credit problems."

The judgement hanging over Miss Haist and her son would still see Alternatively Vegan forced to close, she says.

She spoke to Business Debtline and said she was told the judgement could see her go into bankruptcy and subsequently her business as a sole trader.

She added: "There's a clause in the business premise's lease that if we're bankrupt, you have to cease trading."

This would mean the loss of a valuable community asset, as well as Miss Haist's only source of income.

Over the years Miss Haist has cooked hot meals for homeless people and run charity events at the café, including comedy nights.

The mother-of-two has even committed to providing a three-course meal on Christmas Day to those in need.

But, that could be the business's final day she admits, saying the café would be unable to buy new items.

She added: "We never ask for anything for doing what we do because we want to just always help people.

"I just don't know where we go from here.

"Its seems so unfair, I've put everything that I've got into this. I've worked so hard."

A GoFundMe page has been set up by a member of the community to try and save Alternatively Vegan by raising money to pay the debt.

In less than 48 hours, more than £4000 has been donated towards a target of £6,800.

Miss Haist admits the love and support has left her feeling humbled and overwhelmed.

Mr Shaikh said: "If the GoFundMe page has been set up to settle our debt we look forward to hearing from Angi.

"All our staff have been fully trained on mental health issues and we wish Jack the best."

If you would like to donate and help Miss Haist and Alternatively Vegan visit: gofundme.com/f/please-help-save-alternatively-vegan

Help is available in confidence, 24 hours-a-day, via the Samaritans on: 116 123 or email jo@samaritans.org