A DEVELOPMENT of houses in Thornton has been approved - on the condition that the garages are only used to store cars.

Members of Bradford Council's Bradford Area Planning Panel have voted to approve a development of four detached houses on Valentine Court, off Back Lane.

The application, by T Daynes, said the development would provide four much needed family homes in the area.

There had been a number of objections, raising concerns of overshadowing of existing homes and increased traffic on the quiet road.

On Thursday morning members voted to approve the plans.

Garages in housing development would be too small for cars - meeting hears

But attached to the approval is a condition that the owners of the new homes would not be able to convert garage space in the properties into living space.

The Council has seen a number of housing developments with undersized garages, with members feeling they were only included in the plans to allow future residents to easily expand their living areas under "permitted development rights."

This leads to the homes becoming bigger and losing parking spaces at the same time.

Members agreed that if a condition preventing this from happening was placed on this application, it would guarantee parking spaces for each home, and prevent on street parking on a narrow road - which is a bridleway.