LATEST: Man jailed for 15 months after fleeing scene of fatal crash in Bradford

A JUDGE will today sentence an unlicensed and uninsured driver who “revved” away from the scene after fatally injuring a motorcyclist.

Conor Stott-Webster, 25, of Springhead Road, Thornton, Bradford, has pleaded guilty to causing the death of John Naylor, known as JJ, by careless driving at 7.42pm on October 3 last year.

Stott-Webster has also admitted driving dangerously after the crash on Cottingley Road, Allerton, Bradford, failing to stop after an accident and driving without a licence or insurance.

Prosecutor Stephen Wood told Bradford Crown Court said that Stott-Webster was driving a Ford Focus he had just bought for £300 when it struck Mr Naylor’s Yamaha YXFR 125 machine.

Gary Cater, a passenger in the Focus, described Stott-Webster as “showing off” in his vehicle shortly before the collision, speeding, over revving the engine and doing a handbrake turn. Mr Cater asked him to slow down, the court was told.

Mr Cater described in his statement that they were stationary behind a red car and the next thing he was aware of was “a massive bang.” He could not recall if the Focus was moving and said he could not get out because of the central locking.

Mr Cater said Stott-Webster drove off for a short distance before they abandoned the vehicle.

Another witness, Malcolm Royle, who was outside the Royal Dragon Chinese takeaway, saw the Focus “turn quickly on to Stone Street”. The bike collided with the front nearside of the vehicle, throwing the rider in the air.


“Mr Royle did not see the car make any indication of an intention to turn right,” Mr Wood said.

Mr Royle called 999 and was helping Mr Naylor, 30, when he heard “the sound of the car’s engine revving and reversing.”

“He noted that it was dragging bodywork along the road,” Mr Wood said before it “made off at speed down Stone Street.”

Damian Barber, who was driving his red VW Polo, heard a loud bang and saw smoke and then the Focus suddenly accelerating away. Mr Barber was heading for Cottingley at below the 20mph speed limit when the Focus mounted the kerb to his right “and “began to overtake me in an appalling manner.”

It hit the front side of the Polo and sped off.

Mr Wood said the Focus was abandoned in Meadow Court, a nearby cul-de-sac.

Mr Naylor died from blunt force head and leg injuries, the court was told.

Mr Wood stated that Mr Naylor’s speed just before the collision was between 40 and 45mph and the bike’s front headlamp was illuminated making it “conspicuous to other road users.”

The accident investigator, Robin Crispin, concluded that “the collision was instigated by the Focus driver turning right across the path of the motorcyclist.”

This afternoon, solicitor advocate Saf Salam will mitigate for Stott-Webster before Judge Jonathan Rose sentences him.

The hearing continues.