IT WAS "third time unlucky" for the rider of a stolen scooter.

Officers from West Yorkshire Police's Bradford East team and Roads Policing Unit hit the jackpot after a successful joint operation day.

They spotted a male riding a stolen moped on Tuesday afternoon.

The rider had been sighted a few times earlier in the day, around the Barkerend area.

But he had managed to give officers the slip.

A police spokesperson said: "Third time unlucky for the thief as this time the moped was caught.

"The offender ran and unfortunately escaped."

But, it turned out that the individual had left something at the scene when he fled.

Police have not revealed what the item is, but are confident it will lead them to the suspect.

The police spokesperson said: "Unlucky for him he left something at the scene, so I'm sure officers will be seeing him very soon."