A SCHOOL has shown compassion this December with a special bundle of joy under its Christmas tree.

Hill Top Church of England Primary School, in Low Moor, has taken a different approach with its festive celebrations this year.

The school's "Tree of Compassion" has given parents, pupils and staff the chance to think of others this Christmas by donating presents for those in need in Bradford.

Children's charity NSPCC collected the gifts yesterday and will deliver them across the city.

Each present was wrapped and labelled - "boy aged 6" or "girl aged 8" for example - to give an idea of what's inside.

Staff at Hill Top had to clear under the tree five or six times due to the vast amount of gifts that were donated.

Head Teacher, Des Martin, said "We have been overwhelmed by the generosity shown by the Hill Top community in supporting our 'Tree of Compassion' campaign.

"It is very humbling to see how our families have rallied to support those people and especially children who are less fortunate than themselves.

"We have close links with the NSPCC and the support they provide for all children and we can't wait to see their response when they see how much compassion our children have shown at this most special time of year. "