PLANS to build flats on a grassed area at the end of a Bierley cul-de-sac have been refused.

In October James Lomas submitted a planning application to build four, one-bed flats, each with a parking space, on a plot of land next to 10 Langley Avenue.

But the application has now been refused by planning officers at Bradford Council, who said the scheme would be cramped and "compromise the amenity" of neighbours.

Fifteen people had objected to the plans.

Plan to turn city centre offices into flats is approved

A report by officers said: "The proposed development would represent a cramped and incongruous form of

development, which would not reflect the existing balance and relationship between buildings, gardens and landscaping in this locality. Accordingly, the proposal would unacceptably compromise the character of the area.

"The proposal fails to establish that the site can accommodate the level of development proposed without compromising neighbouring amenity, or that of future residents."