Network Rail has completed work to install a new station façade at Leeds station with thousands of passengers feeling the benefits.

And Bradford passengers will be hopeful of similar upgrades at the tired-looking Bradford Forster Square and Interchange stations in the years to come.

This is the first time that the entrance at Leeds station has been renovated in over 50 years and sees the installation of a redesigned sign to welcome passengers to the station. The station front now stands at eight metres tall and incorporates distinctive gold panels to match the look and feel of the southern entrance. This allows more natural light into the station, working with the new transparent roof to create a brighter and more open concourse.

The work is part of a major year-long project to transform Leeds station, which has also involved the installation of re-aligned ticket barriers, a new transparent roof, and refurbished concourse toilets.

Further improvements are planned to renovate the platform toilets and lay a new floor in the concourse. This work will continue to improve the atmosphere in the station.

Another major development which is ongoing is the introduction of Platform Zero. The new platform will create more space for trains and help to reduce the spread of knock-on delays, resulting in a more resilient service for passengers.

Matt Rice, Route Director for Network Rail’s North and East Route, said: “Over the past year, we’ve seen many improvements to Leeds station. The combination of the new glass entrance and transparent roof creates a much more open and airier atmosphere.

“The new look of the main concourse was inspired by the southern entrance to create a real identity for the station which befits the city of Leeds and welcomes passengers as they travel through the station.

“We’re continuing to make improvements to Leeds station which will bring further benefits to passengers in the form of more reliable journeys and improved facilities.”