PLANS to turn an empty Haworth shop into a micropub are likely to be approved tomorrow.

An application by Daryl Ley to change the use of 17 Main Street, a former bric-a-brac shop in the Haworth Conservation Area, has divided the village, with 80 people writing to the Council in support of the plans and 37 objecting to them.

The application goes before Bradford Council's Keighley Area Planning Panel on Wednesday morning, where members will be recommended to approve the plans.

The applicant says the new business would provide "a relaxed social meeting place, with a strong emphasis on locally sourced products including coffee, gin, confectionary, pickles as well as beers."

The 103 square metre pub would also include  community notice boards and information about local attractions,  a mini-library, and a space for small community meetings and events.

Micropub on listed Keighley street approved

Supporters have said the plans will help boost the village centre, but objectors fear a new bar will  lead to "anti-social and drunken behaviour problems" on Main Street.

The application has received the backing of Conservation officers, who say the plans will lead to a big improvement in the apperance of the building.

A report to the committee says: "The proposed use would restore activity to the premises and contribute to the upkeep of the building.

"The replacement of the existing unattractive shop front with a much more appropriate, traditional design of shop front will substantially enhance the appearance of the building and its contribution to Haworth Conservation Area and the setting of the nearby listed buildings."