I THINK I’ve actually gone mad.

Why you ask? Well, it’s because I’ve found myself feeling sorry for a plant that I have in the shop.

This plant is almost becoming like the last puppy in the pound. People overlook her for bigger or greener, and I get it.

Right now she’s small and not showing signs of what she will become but let me assure you, this summer this ugly duckling will turn into the most beautiful houseplant you’ve ever had.

She is called the Hoya carnosa tricolour, or for us mere mortals out there, the wax plant.

The hoya really is the plant we all should want. She is easy to care for, robust and gives you the most beautiful scented flowers which are among the best when it comes to your flowering houseplants.

Hoyas come in many varieties and I do have others in the shop but I can’t help but love this particular one so much.

In fact I’ve made a promise to myself that if this little gem doesn’t get a new home for Christmas, she’s coming home with me.

In fact, stand outside your front door on the 23rd of December at around 7pm and I’m sure you will hear my husband shouting about another plant being brought into the house.

Here are the care instructions for the hoya, should you ever decide to fall in love as well:

l Water infrequently. The hoya likes to dry out in between watering.

l Bright but indirect light needed. The hoya only needs a few hours a day.

l Only half fertilize in the summer months. Use only half of what’s normally recommended.

l Non-toxic to cats and dogs, but they would be sick if they digested the waxy leaves that won’t break down.

l They like being pot-bound. More good news. Your hoya can go years without being re-potted. But if you do re-pot, use a well-drained soil, preferably one with some coconut husk in with the mix.

And that’s it for this week. Remember me and my lonely plant will be at the shop to help you with any of your plant needs and as always the kettle will be on – and we have a little extra treat for you this week.

Until next time, planters.

Plant One On Me is at 11 Upper Millergate, Bradford BD1 1SX, part of the Sunbridge Wells complex.

Instagram/Facebook: plantoneonmeyorkshire

Twitter: @plantoneonmebfd