A BUNDLE of beautiful hand-made quilts has been donated to the Bradford Royal Infirmary to comfort and reassurance to young patients.

The Paediatric A&E department has taken delivery of 48 quilts, which have been made by local volunteers.

Paediatric sister, Kamal Rakhra said: “We were incredibly touched to receive the quilts which have been given to us through an amazing charity called Project Linus. The quilts are used to bring comfort to young patients while they are in hospital, and they are able to take them home with them when they leave.

“Each time our young patients return for hospital-based care, they are invited to bring the quilts back in with them. The quilts can give reassurance as they are so cosy and can make young patients feel safe and secure.

“We have also been using the quilts for very poorly children needing palliative care and for young patients in our high dependency and resuscitation rooms, as well as gifting them to families when sadly there has been a sudden bereavement. The quilts bring comfort to the families because this may have been the last item that has been in contact with their child.

“The Project Linus quilts are the most beautiful, human and humble way to given warmth and comfort to others.”

The local Project Linus UK volunteers are based in Saltaire, and the co-ordinator is Lesley O’Brien, who owns the Barley Craft Fabric shop. She undertakes workshops and groups and it is from these that the beautiful quilts are made and shared.

Lesley said: “It’s a pleasure to be able to donate the quilts to Bradford Teaching Hospitals as when you hear about children being poorly you naturally want to do something, and by giving these quilts, our volunteers feel they are helping in some small way.

“Each quilt is like a hug. They have been made with lots of love and we feel we are passing on that love to sick children and babies.”

Lesley and the hard-working volunteers have made an incredible 169 quilts so far this year. More volunteers are always wanted so anyone interested can get in touch with Lesley at lesleyo21@yahoo.co.uk