A MAJOR shopping street in Bradford city centre has now lost 10 of its stores – leaving almost half its units empty.

Shops in the once-bustling Kirkgate have either moved elsewhere in the city or closed down for good.

This week outdoor retailer Millets became the latest to leave, with staff emptying the store.

On one side of the street is the city’s flagship McDonald’s restaurant and a Betfred bookmakers, but they are all that remain.

Many of the empty shops stand side by side after the former Money Shop and Freddies decided to move to John Street and Tyrell Street respectively.

Further along the row, the former Poundworld shop is closed, Millets has now gone, so too has Gems, while Lime has several signs in the window warning shoppers everything must go because it is closing down soon.

Prity Beauty and Spa tanning salon and Tim Hogarth Jewellers & Pawnbrokers have also brought the shutters down on their tenancies in Kirkgate.

It is a similarly depressing picture on the other side of the street, with three shops, including the former That’s Entertainment store, standing empty.

Val Summerscales, secretary of Bradford Chamber of Trade, said Bradford Council was doing what it could to regenerate the city.

An application to demolish buildings on Darley Street and replace them with a new multi-storey food market and a “city square” had been approved by the authority.

The new market will include a floor featuring street food vendors, music performances and possibly bars - and it is hoped this part of the scheme would open late to bring much-needed evening footfall to the area.

Mrs Summerscales said: “From the Chamber’s point of view, any loss of business in the prime trading area is regrettable.

“There are many facets to why a business closes down in a certain area.

“Bradford Council is doing all they can to get people back into the city centre.

“It has plans for a new market and various things to regenerate the top half of the town, for which we are fully supportive.”

Cllr Nazam Azam (Lab, City), said: “It’s something which needs addressing. The market scheme is well-promoted and I’m really confident it will be turned around.

“It’s something to look forward to and it will improve the area.

“It’s not as though other city centres aren’t going through this because of online retailing.

“City centres across the country are coming under a lot of strain.

“The Council is aware of this and in terms of the city centre, we need support for new businesses to come here.”

A spokesperson for Bradford Council said help was available for retailers looking to move into the street.

She added: “Kirkgate is in the Priority Streets area of the Council’s City Centre Growth Zone. An incentive package of up to 200,000 euros (approx £177,000) is available to support new occupiers moving into the street, which includes business rates rebates and capital grants towards refurbishment costs.

“This scheme is targeting resources at Kirkgate, Darley Street and the surrounding streets to encourage businesses to take on vacant units, create new jobs and add to the offer in the city centre.

“The Invest in Bradford Team are available to support any new investors through the application process and will provide ongoing advice and support to these businesses.

“The scheme has supported 11 businesses on Kirkgate, including Brits, Tali’s, Mario’s Hairdressers, Pound Bakery and most recently Brow Art and Beauty.”