A self-styled gangster who held a knife to a woman's throat, knocked her down and repeatedly kicked her was jailed for 18 months today.

Mohammed Shabbir, 21, of Buxton Street, Heaton, Bradford, admitted causing his former partner Sarah Naglu actual bodily harm on June 30.

He pleaded guilty at an earlier hearing and was sentenced at Bradford Crown Court today.

Prosecutor Paul Nicholson said Shabbir let himself into Miss Naglu's home uninvited at 6am.

He picked up their baby son and then reached into his jacket for a six-inch bladed kitchen knife.

Mr Nicholson said he held the weapon to the 18-month-old's throat.

She fled but was attacked in the kitchen, slapped across the face and kicked several times in the stomach.

Miss Naglu suffered a bump to the head, swollen left eye, hand injury and stomach pain.

Shabbir had previous convictions for assault and robbery.

Last year he attacked Miss Naglu while he had a Samurai sword with him.

Abdul Iqbal said in mitigation that Shabbir's young son with Miss Naglu had a congenital heart defect. Both parents cared lovingly for him but it had put a strain on their relationship.

Shabbir had been in custody for four months since he committed the offence.

The judge, Recorder Christopher Knox, said Shabbir carried out a "nasty, vicious, unpleasant and entirely unprovoked attack".

He said Shabbir liked to think of himself as a gangster, someone with status in the criminal world.

He was aggressive and violent and used this to control women.