PROPOSALS to re-develop a Bradford mill, parts of which had been devastated by fire over a decade ago, have been refused.

A Grade II listed building on the site of Brick Lane Mills, off Hollings Road and Thornton Road, had been earmarked for a new development of shops and industrial units, a scheme the developers said would create a “vibrant business community” on the underused site.

But Bradford Council has refused the application, saying converting the building into 12 retail units and a workshop would draw shoppers away from nearby “local centres” such as Girlington and White Abbey Road.

Much of the 19th Century mill complex was damaged in a huge fire in 2007, and sections have since been demolished for safety reasons.

Council blocks plans to demolish listed mill building after history groups object

Earlier this summer MH Business Centre Ltd submitted an application to refurbish a large building on the site, currently used for storage with other areas let to small businesses. The company’s application says the plans would “make appropriate use of the site and will provide continuous use which will ensure future maintenance and preservation of the overall site.

“It will provide the opportunity to retain and reuse an existing partially vacant historic building.”

The application goes on to say the changes would create a “vibrant business community.”


But Bradford Council has this week refused the plans, claiming the development would harm the “viability” of surrounding areas, as well as leading to the loss of an industrial site.

Planning officers at Bradford Council said: “The proposal results in the loss of a building last in use for industrial purposes, no evidence has been submitted that the site is no longer suitable for such use.

Bradford Telegraph and Argus: The fire at Brick Lane Mills in 2007The fire at Brick Lane Mills in 2007

“There is a threat that a retail development of the scale proposed would materially affect the vitality and viability of the nearby White Abbey Road Local Centre and Girlington Road District Centre. No evidence has been provided to demonstrate that this will not be the case.

“The proposed scale of A1 (retail) use, cumulatively exceeds what is permitted in out of centre locations.

“No evidence has been provided to demonstrate why other sequentially preferable locations are not available for the proposed use or that the proposal will not have a significant impact on the vitality and viability of the nearby local and district centres.

“In this location, the use would therefore potentially increase footfall away from the designated local centres and have an adverse impact on the vitality and viability of the designated local centres.”

Bradford Telegraph and Argus: The interior of the building at Brick Lane MillsThe interior of the building at Brick Lane Mills