A NURSERY in Queensbury has retained its Good rating following a recent Ofsted inspection.

Scarlet Heights Private Day Nursery in the village was praised for its “excellent partnerships with parents”.

The report said: “The management team has excellent partnerships with parents and other professionals to protect children and prepare them well for school.

“A wealth of information is shared in a variety of ways to ensure parents are fully involved in their children’s care and learning.

“The management team has a detailed knowledge of the community and the needs of families who use its service.

“Managers work in partnership with parents highly successfully to promote positive behaviour, tolerance and respect.

“The management team and staff have an in-depth understanding of current child protection issues. Through focused training and independent research, they ensure they keep their knowledge up to date.

“Managers and staff closely monitor children’s progress. Any gaps in children’s learning are quickly identified and they soon catch up.

“The management team continually explores ways to improve the service it provides. Parents value highly the support they receive, which has helped to significantly enhance outcomes for children.”

To become Outstanding, the nursery was told it needs to strengthen the coaching for new and inexperienced staff to raise the quality of their teaching to a high level, and to use information gathered about children’s interests more effectively to boost their learning.