VISIT My Mosque day will be held in March.

The initiative, which is run by the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB), sees more than 200 mosques across the UK hold open days to welcome in people from all faiths, and none, to build bridges across communities.

It first began in February 2015, with around 20 mosques taking part.

Due to popular demand, the initiative has grown to more than 200 taking part, with high profile figures including the Prime Minister, the Leader of the Opposition and the Mayor of London visiting.

A number of mosques in Bradford have registered to take part in the event, they include the JKN Institute, Manningham, the Masjid-e-Quba, Manningham, the Al Huda Masjid Ahl-e-Hadith, Lidget Green, the Jamia Masjid Tabligh-ul Islam, also Lidget Green, and the Masjid Abu Bakar, off Leeds Road.

Visit for more information about the event, which will take place on March 3.