TWO men have been sentenced for their roles in pub violence in which a customer watching a boxing match was struck six times on the head with a beer bottle.

Nathan Richards suffered two facial fractures and was left dizzy and bleeding heavily from the attack in the Highfield pub in Idle on March 31, Bradford Crown Court heard yesterday.

Oliver Robinson, 25, a former trooper in the Tank Regiment, pleaded guilty to assaulting Mr Richards and causing him actual bodily harm.

Anthony Hardisty, 26, admitted causing Mr Richards actual bodily harm and possession of an offensive weapon.

Prosecutor Paul Nicholson said the three men were watching a boxing match on the television in the bar when Robinson threw a left hook at Mr Richards after asking him: “Do you know who I am?”

The court heard that Robinson, of Market Street, in Bradford city centre, was angry because his former girlfriend had been on holiday with Mr Richards.

When Mr Richards blocked two punches, there was a scuffle and Robinson got him in a choke hold.

Once outside the pub, Hardisty, of Mark Close, Idle, struck Mr Richards six times on the head with a beer bottle, Mr Nicholson said.

Gerald Hendron, Robinson’s barrister, said he was very remorseful.

He was emotionally scarred at the time by the end of a long-term relationship. the court heard.

Robinson had served in the army for three years, it emerged during the hearing.

He was hardworking, reliable and trustworthy, the court was told.

His charity work to help homeless students had earned him an award.

The court heard that Hardisty was currently serving a prison sentence imposed at Leeds Crown Court in August for house burglary.

He acted out of loyalty to his friend when he saw him scuffling with Mr Richards.

Yesterday, Hardisty was jailed for 12 months for the new offences.

Robinson was told by The Recorder of Bradford, Judge Jonathan Durham Hall QC: “You started it, but you didn’t use a weapon. It was a stupid, childish confrontation between two grown men over a relationship.”

Robinson was sentenced to 12 months imprisonment, suspended for 12 months.

He was also given a rehabilitation activity requirement.

Meanwhile, he must also pay Mr Richards £3,000 compensation.