A police operation designed to protect cyclists from drivers who do not give them enough space on the road is yet to take place in Bradford.

Operation Safe Pass, which has visited Kirklees, Leeds and Wakefield, involves plain clothed and uniformed officers “educating” or prosecuting motorists who do not give cyclists enough room, fail to give way at junctions or are distracted from having a proper view while driving.

However, according to a Freedom of Information request, since the project began in May 2017, officers have never come into the city with a view to protecting cyclists, but police say they are planning to do so in the coming months.

The lack of action has left cyclists in the city frustrated after experiencing firsthand the dangers of a car or lorry not giving them enough room as they commute or socialise.

Mandy Parker, a coach at East Bradford Cycling Club, said educating drivers is the best way to make sure cyclists are kept safe on the roads.

She said: “We have a huge cycling club which involves children all the way up to veterans who are still riding on the roads and there’s certainly no end of close pass stories.

“The operation is a brilliant idea because people need educating because it could be their parent or child that is hit or killed.

“We need Safe Pass to be part of the driving test and that will teach every single new driver how to pass cyclists.

“It’s critical that we have an education so people know how dangerous it can be if they cut a cyclist up.”

David Robison, of Bradford’s Capital of Cycling hub, on Hall Ings, added: “To not police Safe Pass is one of the reasons people don’t cycle.

“It’s terrifying when it is a lorry or a bus passing too close.

“Cycling shouldn’t just be for brave people.

“There’s a negative perception of cyclists, but they are called vulnerable road users for a reason.

Superintendent Dan Greenwood of Bradford District Police, said police are committed to making the roads safer for all.

He said: “Operation Steerside continues to take action against those using vehicles anti-socially or illegally, as well as those committing the ‘fatal four’ offences – driving while using a mobile phone, speeding, under the influence of drink or drugs or driving without a seatbelt.

“This work is complemented by that of the Bradford District Anti-Social Bike Team, which has seized more than 1,200 vehicles since it began operations in July 2014."

Supt Greenwood said police were "developing plans" to implement the Safe Pass initiative in Bradford District in the coming months.

East Bradford Cycling Club hosts a children’s cycling club every Saturday from 10.30am to 12.30pm and teaches youngsters bike handling skills.