THEY gave their lives for our freedom.

It’s a message which many of us reflect on at this time of year as the country prepares to take part in Remembrance events.

The thought is a particularly poignant one in 2018 as November 11, which this year falls on Remembrance Sunday, will mark the centenary of the end of World War One.

And in a touching tribute to those who lost their lives in war, the Shelf community has pulled together to create a striking display of poppies which now adorn the village.

The Shelf Gala committee, which organises the village’s Remembrance Sunday parade, decided to create the display after seeing something similar in another village.

Businesses and individuals have sponsored the eye-catching poppies and all proceeds will be donated to the Royal British Legion.

Donations have ranged between £10 and £200.

Andrew Walker, from the committee, said:”We’re overwhelmed at the moment,

“In terms of sponsorship money, we’ve got over £1,000, which is absolutely amazing.

“People have just been really, really generous with their donations.

“It’s absolutely fantastic.”

The project has also involved the younger generation, with pupils from St Michael and All Angels CE Primary School researching soldiers and decorating the poppies with their names and history.

“The most important thing is for people to remember the futility of war,” Mr Walker said.

“People have given their lives for it to not happen again.”

Mr Walker credited the power of social media for helping to get the word out as once the idea was floated on Facebook, the committee was “inundated” with people getting in touch wanting to be involved.

The poppies have been attached to lampposts, churches and to Shelf’s cenotaph, creating a striking sea of red in remembrance.

Soldier silhouettes have also been put on display outside St Michael and All Angels Church, Carr House Road.

Mr Walker said it would “tug on his heart strings” if there was a large turnout at the Remembrance Sunday parade after the response to the poppy project.