WEST Yorkshire has been revealed as 'hotspot' for fireworks calls ahead of Bonfire Night.

The RSPCA says it receives hundreds of calls every year from pet owners worried about fireworks.

This has risen from 367 in 2013 to a peak of 501 in 2017.

The animal charity now wants to see the private use of fireworks restricted to certain days; November 5, New Year's Eve, Chinese New Year and Diwali as new studies show 38 per cent of dogs feel fear at loud noises including fireworks.

The charity would also like to see the maximum permitted noise level of fireworks for public sale reduced from 120 to 97 decibels.

A Change.org petition, set up by Julie Doorne from the FAB Firework Abatement Campaign has generated tens of thousands of signatures since it was set up on October 16 and the RSPCA is joining calls urging people to email the UK Government.

RSPCA campaign manager Eloise Shavelar said: “Clearly there is widespread public concern about this issue as can be shown by the previous petitions backed by the RSPCA.

“There is current legislation in place but the RSPCA believes the Fireworks Act 2003 and the Fireworks regulation 2004 doesn’t go far enough.

“We want to see the UK Government take advantage of the public’s feeling on this by strengthening the existing acts and restricting the use of fireworks to traditional days of the year like bonfire night.

“To be clear we are not calling for a restriction to public displays but it is the unexpected noise which owners cannot plan for which we want to stop.”

It is not just cats and dogs and other household pets that are affected by fireworks.

Horses and farm animals can easily be frightened by loud noises and sudden flashes of bright light, which can startle them and cause them to injure themselves on fencing, equipment or, in the case of stabled or housed animals, on fixtures and fittings within their enclosures.

Wildlife can also be burnt alive after making their home in bonfires.