A BRADFORD housing company has backtracked on an email which originally ordered employees to remove poppies and other ‘personal touches’ from its vehicles.

After what it described as a “misunderstanding”, Incommunities sent out a new email on October 23, to clarify its position.

A spokesperson for Incommunities said: “The matter was raised and we clarified our position.

“A communication was issued yesterday explaining that we were happy for our drivers to display poppies on their vehicles in the lead up to Armistice Day and this is our position.”

One van driver expressed his outrage at Incommunities' original email, which was sent out last week on October 19. The driver said “none of us were happy.”

The email, seen by the T&A, said having large poppies on the front grilles of work vehicles is not in accordance with vehicle policy.

It also listed other offending items such as flags, stickers, scarves and soft toys.

The van driver said somebody had telephoned the sender of the original email to double check the ruling on poppies was correct and it was confirmed that it was.

The Incommunities employee had vowed he wouldn’t be taking his poppies off his van anyway and that the original decision made him consider getting even more.


LETTER OF THE DAY: Why not wear a white poppy this year

He said: “I’m absolutely outraged and disgusted. I’m that outraged I want to give my van back and I’ll walk to my jobs.”

The man has always strongly supported the annual Poppy Appeal, which began in 1921.

He said: “They sacrificed a lot for us and now, with it being the 100th anniversary, it’s like sticking two fingers up at you.”

The van driver said he heard Incommunities had tried to ban poppies on vehicles last year, but it didn’t end up happening.

He said: “I think it’s just political correctness, not wanting to offend people. Why should it offend people in Britain? It’s not just something new that we’ve started doing.”

Incommunities, is one of the largest social housing providers in the UK with around 1,200 staff members across Bradford and Kirklees.

In its original email, Incommunities said: “Over the past few weeks there have been an increased number of works vehicles with “personal touches” being added to what is Incommunities property.

“Items such as flags, stickers, scarves, soft toys and even large poppy's (sic) on front grilles are appearing on a number of vehicles which is not in accordance with vehicle policy.”

 It continues: “As per page 4 section 1 of the Handbook all drivers must ensure vehicles are kept clean and tidy inside and out, cabin area clear of any obstructions. This means clear of all paperwork on dashboards (dangerous with reflections) and also mean(s) that none of the aforementioned items are displayed in or on the vehicle either.

“All staff who drive a works vehicle should remove all stickers, flags, soft toys or any other paraphernalia which is not company issue.”

The man had said: “I’m not going to take them off, they’ll have to cut them off. I’m going to get more now, bigger ones.

“It’s an insult on people from the war.”

Speaking to the man about the revelation of the latest email he said: “They must have come to their senses and realised the year it is as well.”

In a statement issued this afternoon, an Incommunities spokesperson said: “As an organisation we always encourage all our staff to support the annual Poppy Appeal and wear their poppy with pride.

“We have Royal British Legion donation boxes with poppies at our main office, The Quays and are arranging deliveries of donation boxes to our three other bases.

“We have raised many hundreds of pounds for the Royal British Legion over the years through staff and customer donations.

“We have had no restrictions on our drivers displaying poppies in previous years and all staff throughout the organisation are encouraged to wear poppies on their clothing.”

This year marks the centenary of the end of WW1 and The Poppy Appeal, held every November, helps to raise funds for the lifelong support of the Armed Forces community, as well as providing the chance to remember those who gave their lives.

A spokesperson for The Royal British Legion said: “We are thankful for every poppy worn, every shop that allows poppy collections, and every employer that permits the poppy to be displayed - but we never insist upon these things or claim as our right. To do otherwise would be contrary to the spirit of Remembrance and all that the poppy stands for.”