ONE Special Constable in Bradford faces an expensive trip to his local cake shop, after a gaffe involving his police radio.

Special Constable Hishaam Mohammed, who works in Bradford West, shared news of his error on Twitter, when he accidentally pressed the emergency button on his radio, calling nearby officers to his location as fast as possible.

He tweeted: "Seen as the news is spreading, I may as well tell everyone!

"Is it only me or has anyone else mistaken the police car inset radio 'red button' as a power on/off button instead of it being the emergency button.

"Yes, I did press it! Cake fine is on me!"

The cost of his error appears to be buying sweet treats for the Bradford West Neighbourhood Policing Team.

SC Mohammed's mistake was met with laughter from his colleagues, with some sharing similar stories from the past.

Special Constable Crossley replied: "I did the exact same thing a few years ago, it's an easy mistake to make.

"The worst thing is trying to turn it off in the panic! I make a point of telling new officers what that button does so they don't make the same mistake."

PC Dan Holdsworth added: "Let me know when you're bringing the cakes in!"