PLANS to transform an empty city centre building in Bradford's 'top of town' area have been given the go ahead by planners.

The proposals, for the former Cooker Centre in Rawson Square, will see the building turned into a cafe bar, with a snooker/pool room area on the first floor.

Previous plans for the building were rejected by Bradford Council over fears that the vitality and diversity of the area would be harmed.

Planners said there seemed to be little evidence the business would open during the day, and this would further contribute to the North Parade area being a place that only attracted crowds in the evening.

But in light of concerns raised, applicant Haseeb Raja submitted a fresh bid to bring the building back into use.

In approving the proposals, planning officer Heather Flack said Mr Raja had "taken the time to reflect on the concerns raised" and worked with a new agent to present an amended scheme.

Her report said: "In essence, whilst the bar element remains, the plans proposal now includes a more robust daytime activity in the form of a cafe/restaurant/deli.

"The openings hours are proposed to be from 10am and the floor plans show a more substantial food preparation and cooking area (in comparison to the previous application) which would indicate that the proposed use could operate as a café/restaurant during daytime hours."

She added: "This will contribute positively to the daytime activity and footfall in the area.

Given the number of empty retail units in the immediate vicinity, which have been

identified in the supporting statement, it is not felt that the loss of this one retail would be detrimental to the shopping area.

"Indeed the proposal will have the opportunity to contribute positively to the viability and vitality of the area."

A re-tractable awning on the building is proposed.

The report said this feature may help to create a "more visible and active frontage", particularly if in conjunction with the suggested external seating area.