EMERGENCY service staff in West Yorkshire will visit "high risk" schools in an attempt to stop nuisance arsons around bonfire night.

The "blue light ambassadors" scheme is currently limited to the Leeds area, but could be expanded to schools across the county if it proves successful.

The scheme will be discussed by the West Yorkshire Fire Authority this morning when the authority's executive will look at the work being done between the three local emergency service groups - West Yorkshire Police, Yorkshire Ambulance Service and West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service.

This includes work being done between the services and young people in West Yorkshire.

The Blue Light Ambassadors are staff from the three services, and currently offer bonfire safety advice to schools in Leeds.

A report going before the executive says: "We have recently recruited 10 and will hopefully have a total of 30 by early next year.

"As and when more are recruited the pilot can be rolled out in additional schools. It is also envisaged that the training will become broader and cover areas such as crime prevention and road traffic collision safety.

"If the pilot is successfully then the project has the potential to be rolled out in other districts, which will bolster the ongoing good work within our community safety teams."